Course overview


        Refer to the slides/PPT & your class notes

Classical assumptions and OLS estimator

        Refer to the slides/PPT & your class notes

Sampling distribution of OLS estimator

     Refer to the slides/PPT & your class notes

        PS1.docx  (Problem set #1 due on 03/20, Week 4)

Hypothesis testing

      Refer to the slides/PPT & your class notes

          PS2.docx  (Problem set #2 due on 03/29, Week 5)

          Extension materials:

                PS2 discussion.pdf

                 Below is the full article that uses similar method as that in PS2 as we discussed in class


Multiple regression model & alternative nonlinear functional form

       Refer to the slides/PPT & your class notes

       PS3.docx (Problem set #3 due on 04/12, Week 7)

Omitted variable, multicollinearity, heteroskedasticity, & serial correlation

       Refer to the slides/PPT & your class notes   

         PS4.docx (Problem set #4 due on 04/20, Week 8)

Difference-in-difference approach

       Refer to the slides/PPT & your class notes

            PS5.docx (Problem set #5 due on 05/03, Week 10)

            Case discussion:


                Dranove_JPE_2013_highlighted.pdf (Case study materials with key points highlighted)

Linear panel models

        Refer to the slides/PPT & your class notes

            PS6.docx (Problem set #6 due on 05/19, Week 12)

            Case discussion:


                  Royer_AEJ_2009_highlighted.pdf (Case study materials with key points highlighted)

                  lecture-What else can birth certificate do_.pdf (An extension material)

Instrumental variable technique

            Refer to the slides/PPT & your class notes


            Angrist & Krueger_JHE_1991.pdf (Full aritcle of the example illustrated during class)

            Case discussion

                   Cawley & Meyerhoefer_JHE_2012.pdf





复旦大学卫生经济计量方法介绍/Introduction to Econometric Applications in Health Economics版权所有