Teaching Program of Basic Clinical Oncology
发布时间: 2016-06-02 浏览次数: 51
Basics of Clinical Oncology
Instructor:   Xiaomao Guo, MD          
Classroom Location: Classroom No.2608, the 2nd Teaching Building, west part of Fenglin Campus, Fudan University
Days & Hours: Monday 8:00--8:45 A.M. and 8:55--9:40 A.M.
Office: Fudan University Shanghai Cancer Center
Office Phone: 64175590        
Mobile Phone: 18121299003
Office Hours: by appointments
Email:   guoxm1800@126.com
Basic Clinical Oncology
Supplementary Reading Materials:
1.      Abeloff's Clinical Oncology, 4th ed. Copyright © 2008 Churchill Livingstone, An Imprint of Elsevier
2.      Principle and Practice of Oncology, 6th ed.
Course Objectives:
This course is designed to provide medical students basic concepts, theory and clinical practice in oncology, including carcinogenesis, epidemiology, etiology, prevention, diagnosis and treatment. After the lesions the students will have an overall view of oncology, which includes the followings:
1.      To know the etiology and biology of cancer and the measurement of cancer prevention;
2.      To understand the biology of cancer;
3.      To learn the basics of cancer diagnosis, including the clinical, imaging, pathology and the labs;
4.      To know the principles of cancer therapy, especially the multidisciplinary modalities for a comprehensive cancer patient care;
5.      To know the frontiers of basic and clinical researches briefly;
6.      To be possessed for further study in oncology.
Course Schedule:
Week 1
Chapter 2
The cellular microenviroment and metastases
Week 2
Cell cycle and Cell life; Stem cell, cancer and interstitial biology of tumor
Week 3
Chapter 3
Enviromental factors; viruses and human cancer
Week 4
Genetic factors; immunodeficiency and cancer  
Week 5
Chapter 4
Use of epidemiology in oncology
Week 6
Chapter 5
Cancer prevention, screening, and early detection
Week 7
Chapter 6
Principle of oncologic surgical pathology
Molecular diagnostics; biomarkers for cancer diagnostics 
Week 8
Chapter 7
Imaging diagnostics in cancer treatment
Week 9
Chapter 8
Surgical interventions in cancer
Week 10
Chapter 9
Basics of radiation therapy
Week 11
Chapter 10
Systemic therapy
Week 12
Chapter 11
Molecularly targeted therapy
Week 13
Chapter 12
Complementary and alternative medicine
Week 14
Chapter 13
Symptom management and palliative care
Week 15
Chapter 14
Local effect of cancer and its metastasis
Week 16
Chapter 15
Complications of therapy
Course Requirements:
This course will involve the student as a whole person in the classroom, allow for genuine response and develop student autonomy. There are no pre-determined answers to some of the designed tasks. Students will be encouraged to offer their individual interpretation or response instead of looking to the instructor for confirmation of “correct” answers. Discussions will be conducted through group and pair work so that students can negotiate the reconstruction of meaning with the text in an interactive way. Course requirements include active class attendance, intensive reading, enthusiastic participation in pair and group work, timely completion of assignments and critical presentation of course-related themes.
Attendance:                         10%
Contribution to Class Discussion    20%
Completion of Assignments           10%
Oral Presentation                   20%
Final Exam                          40%
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