Teaching method
Teaching method
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The use of various teaching methods used in the course of teaching purposes, the implementation process, the implementation of the results
The teaching methods used in this course are: teaching method, case teaching method, situational teaching method and discussion method.
1. The teaching method: teaching method is the basic teaching method, the important theoretical knowledge teaching in the teaching method, directly, quickly and refined to enable students to master, for students in practice can do a job with skill and ease of application play a good solid theoretical basis.
2 case teaching method: under the guidance of teachers, the students of the selected representative of the typical case, targeted analysis, trial and discussion, to make their own judgment and evaluation. This teaching method broadens students' thinking space, increases the interest of study, and improves the ability of students. Case teaching method in the course of the application, give full play to its inspiration, practice, development of students' thinking ability, improve the students' ability of judgment, decision-making ability and comprehensive quality.
3. Discussion: in the course of classroom teaching in the discussion, students through discussion, cooperative learning, let the students in a group or team to start learning, let all the people can participate in the collective task clear, emphasize the collective task, emphasize decentralization of teachers to students. The key to cooperative learning lies in the mutual dependence, communication and cooperation between the team members. Through the classroom discussion, the ability to train thinking, so that students can participate in a lot to stimulate interest in learning, to promote active learning.
Two, teaching means and methods
In this course, teachers are constantly exploring and reforming the teaching methods and teaching methods. Network classroom teaching innovation is groping. Mainly displays in: the content is substantial, the form is diverse, the exchange is frequent, the resources are rich, the effect is satisfied. At present, there have been a number of teachers teaching notes, teaching syllabus, PPT documents, as well as other audio and video data uploaded to the network classroom. In the future, the teaching reference and case analysis should be uploaded to the network.
The teachers in teaching practice constantly enrich teaching methods, improve teaching methods, explore and formed a set of rich and varied teaching methods, including: to teach students in accordance of their aptitude, have a definite object in view; the focused, clear thinking; 2-3 explain the profound things in a simple way, step by step; the case analysis, impressive; the combination of history, vertical and horizontal comparison; the vivid language, reasonable blend;, talk, speech and debate;, learning and thinking questions and answers, speaking practice to improve; aided of computer, various forms; we learn to use a consistent, unity of knowledge and practice.

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