Teaching Syllabus for “China Survey”


China is well known by its great culture and splendid civilization . As a mandatory course for MBBS students, this course aims to help foreign students to have thorough background knowledge about China in history, philosophy, economy, education, social life and other aspects. It introduces the essence of Chinese culture and underscores the major trends of its development to enable MBBS students improve their ability to adapt to China and their communication skill.


The course is completely taught in English. Students are required to have better understanding of background knowledge about China, to enrich their own comprehension to life and improve their ability to think independently and rationally.     

Teaching Method

Flexible teaching methods would be used to fully arouse students’ initiative and interest in the course.  The part of Chinese Civilization takes the form of lectures,which mainly given by the teacher. Some short and interesting videos also provided. In order to inspire the students’ teamwork spirit and interest for Chinese culture, group presentation and group discussion are used for the part of Modern China.         

Reference BookSelf-compiled book

Instruction Content

Chapter1: Geography

Chapter2: Environment and Resource

Chapter3: Population and Urbanization

Chapter4: Family and Marriage

Chapter5: Ancient History

Chapter6: A General History of CCP

Chapter7: Philosophy

Chapter8: Religion

Chapter9: Literature and Art

Chapter10: The Silk Road and BRI

Chapter11: Diplomacy

Chapter12: Education

Chapter13: Economy

Chapter14: Science and Technology

Chapter15: Healthcare

Chapter16: TCM


Semester 1:

Participation: 10%

Presentation:  20%

Group work:    30%

Closed Final Exam40%

Semester 2:

Participation: 10%

Group work:    20%

Closed Mid-Term Exam30%

Final Report40%

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