
Excellent  4

Good 3

Average 2

Poor 1


Information is organized in a clear and logical way. The content is positive.

Most information is organized in a clear and logical way. The content is positive.

Some information is logically sequenced. The content is positive

There is no clear plan for the organization of  information.


Presentation shows considerable originality and inventiveness. The presentation and ideas are presented in a unique and interesting way.

Presentation shows some originality and inventiveness. The presentation and ideas are presented in interesting way.

Presentation shows an attempt at originality on 1-3 slides

Presentation is a copy of other people


PowerPoint     contains a minimum of 20 slides. Slides designed completely support the content of the presentation.

PowerPoint contains a minimum of 20 slides. Slides designed partially support the content of the presentation.

PowerPoint contains fewer than 20 slides. Some slides designed do not support the content of the presentation.

PowerPoint contains fewer than 20 slides. Slides designed do not support the content of the presentation.


PowerPoint includes enough material to give a deep understanding of the subtopic. It is a highly effective study guide.

PowerPoint includes most material to give an understanding of the subtopic. It is a sufficient study guide.

PowerPoint is missing some information for understanding of the subtopic.

PowerPoint is missing some information for understanding of the subtopic, and it has inaccuracies that make it a poor study guide.

Oral Presentation

Clear articulation, eye contact with the other students, enthusiasm and confidence.

clear articulation but not polished.

Consistent use of eye contact with some students.

Some mumbling

Little or no eye contact


Rate too fast/slow

No eye contact

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