Rubric for Written Report











Directly relevant

Somewhat relevant

Remotely related

Totally unrelated


Good organization; points are logically ordered; sharp sense of beginning and end

Organized; points are somewhat jumpy; sense of beginning and ending

Some organization; points jump around; beginning and ending are unclear

Poorly organized; no logical progression; beginning and ending are vague

Quality of Information

Supporting details specific to subject

Some details are non-supporting to the subject

Details are somewhat sketchy. Do not support topic

Unable to find specific details

Grammar, Usage, Mechanics, Spelling

No errors

Only one or two errors

More than two errors

Numerous errors distract from understanding

Interest Level

Vocabulary is varied; supporting details vivid

 Vocabulary is varied; supporting details useful

Vocabulary is unimaginative; details lack “color”

 Basic vocabulary; needs descriptive words


Typed; clean; neatly bound in a report cover; illustrations provided

Legible writing, well-formed characters; clean and neatly bound in a report cover

Legible writing, some ill-formed letters, print too small or too large; papers stapled together

Illegible writing; loose pages


Report on time

Report one class period late

Report two class periods late

Report more than one week late

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