Mark Twain
发布时间: 2015-10-23 浏览次数: 170

Mark Twain

Mark Twain was an American author and humorist. Many of his works were adapted to films. Here are some of the famous film adaptions.

1. The Adventures of Mark Twain (1985)

a) Director: Will Vinton
b) Introduction: The Adventures of Mark Twain is a 1985 American stop motion animated fantasy film. This movie is based on several of Mark Twain’s works. It is about Tom Sawyer, Becky Thatcher and Huck Finn join Mark Twain on his airship to meet Halley's Comet.
c) Trailer:

2. Tom and Huck (1995)

a) Director: Peter Hewitt
b) Introduction: Tom and Huck is based on Mark Twain’s novel The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. In the movie, young Tom Sawyer witnesses a murder by Injun Joe. Tom makes friend with Huck Finn. Tom has to make a choice between honoring a friendship or honoring an oath, when the town drunk is accused of the murder.

3. Man with a Million (1954)

a) Director: Ronald Neame
b) Introduction: Man with a Million is a British comedy which is based on the Mark Twain short story The Million Pound Bank Note. The movie talk about the story that Two rich British men offer a penniless American a loan, without telling him that the amount is £1,000,000, and this in the form of a single banknote.

4. For more information:


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