
发布者:杨红红 发布时间:2018-03-16浏览次数:914


复旦大学护理学院院长    教授    博导

办公室电话: 64431273    


讲授的主要课程: 儿科护理学、循证护理



1国家卫计委全球卫生网络小型政策研究(GHSP-CS-OP3-V13), #202708,中国东盟卫生人力资源合作策略研究--以东盟10+3护理联盟初级卫生保健能力建设为例, 2018, 在研,6

22016国家自然科学基金面上项目, #71673057,基于知识转化理论的HIV/AIDS症状管理和整合式照护策略的构建及实证研究,201701-20201248万,国家自然科学基金委员会,在研,主持. 2016-present: The development and empirical study of HIV/AIDS symptom management and integrated care strategies based on knowledge translation theory.  National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), #2016-71673057, PI, 480,000RMB, 2016-2019.



5美国中华医学基金会项目,CMB#13-168,中国护理博士教育发展项目:护理博士核心课程建设(Advancing Doctoral Nursing Education in China: Development of Blending Education Model for Core PhD Courses and Faculty Research Seed Grant),2014.1 -2016.12.47.5万美元,在研,项目PI


7教育部医学专业学位研究生教育指导委员会项目,#2013-03, “循证护理”核心课程建设,2013.1-2014.122万,结题,项目PI

8上海市卫计委科研项目, #2012-96,个体化系统随访对提高乳腺癌患者 内分泌治疗服药依从性的效果:一项五年随访的随机对照试验研究,2012.1-2016.12.3万元,在研,项目PI


  1. Xiaoju ZHANG, Zhengqi LU, Yan HU*, Xei XUE, Hongqin DAI. Evidence-Based Implementation of Peripherally Inserted Central Catheters (PICCs) Insertion at a Vascular Access Care Outpatient Clinic.Worldview on Evidence-based Nursing, 2017. 14:2,163-167. WVN-15-129.R2.  (2017 SCI-2.103)

  2. Lichun XU, Yan HU*, Clinically indicated replacement versus routine replacement of peripheral venous catheters in adults: an open-label, randomised controlled trial in China. International J of Nursing Practice. 2017. 2017;e12595.https://doi.org/10.1111/ijn.12595 (IF-2017-1.018)

  3. Lichun XU, Yan HU*, Xiaojin HUANG, Jianguo FU, Jinhui ZHANG. Heparinized saline vs. normal saline for maintaining peripheral venous catheter patency in China: An open-label, randomized controlled study. Journal of International Medical Research, 2017, DOI: 10.1177/0300060516685203.   (IF-2017-1.323)

  4. Cheng L, Feng S, Hu Y*. Evidence implementation of clinical nursing in Mainland China: a scoping review [J]. Nursing Outlook, 2017,65(1):27-35.doi: 10.1016/j.outlook.2016.07.016. IF2017 2.236

  5. Cheng L, Broome M, Feng S, Hu Y*. Taking root: A grounded theory on evidence-based nursing implementation in China [J]. International Nursing Review. 2017. doi:10.1111/inr.12396 (online) IF2017 1.517

  6. Cheng L, Broome M, Feng S, Hu, Y*. Factors influencing the implementation of evidence in Chinese nursing practice[J]. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 2017, 26(23-24):5103-5112. doi: 10.1111/jocn.14053onlineIF2017 1.214

  7. Cheng L, Broome M, Feng S, Hu, Y*. Leadership practices of nurse managers for implementing evidence-based nursing in China. Journal of Nursing Management. 2017. doi: 10.1111/jonm.12594 (online) IF 2017 1.905

  8. Cheng L, Zhang Y, Gu Y, Lu C, Liu Q, Yuan H*. Families’ readiness for discharge of their pre-term infant: a best practice Implementation project [J]. JBI Database of Systematic Reviews and Implementation Reports, 2016,14(9):367-380.

  9. Cheng, L. Antidepressants for the Treatment of Depression in People With Cancerevidence summary. Cancer nursing, 2017, 40(2), 168-169. IF2017 1.665

  10. Li TIAN, HuiI J LU, Lu LIN, Yan HU* , Effects of aerobic exercise on cancer-related fatigue: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Supportive Care in Cancer. 2016, 24(2): 969-983. (corresponding author, SCI, IF-2015-2.535).

  11. Li Tian, Lu Lin, Hui-Lin Li, Ke J Chen, Xiao J Zhang, Shu J Qian, Yan Hu*. Prevalence and associated factors of cancer-related fatigue among cancer patients in eastern China. The Oncologist. 2016, doi: 10.1634/theoncologist. 2015-0537. (corresponding author, SCI, IF-2016-4.789).

  12. 胡雁, 朱政, 傅亮, 成磊, 周英凤, 邢唯杰, 田利, 程云, 顾莺, 张晓菊, 杨红红. 临床实践指南的发展与应用. 中国护理管理, 2016, 2016,16(9): 1156-1160.

  13. 胡雁, 周英凤,邢唯杰. 护理硕士专业学位研究生循证护理能力培养的实践与反思. 中华护理教育. 2015, 12(10): 734-737.

  14. 胡雁,周英凤,朱政, 邢唯杰,成磊,顾艳荭,顾莺,田利,傅亮. 通过循证护理实践, 促进护理知识的转化. 护士进修杂志, 2015, 30(11); 961-963.

  15. 胡雁.循证护理实践:护理学科发展的必然趋势. 中国护理管理. 2013,13(1):3-5.

  16. Hu Yan. Networking benefits.Cancer Nursing Practice, 2013, 12(9): 11


  1. 胡雁、汪玲、夏海鸥、王君俏、包江波、徐建鸣牵头的“基于国际视野的高素质创新型护理人才培养模式的探索”获得20171130日中国学位与研究生教育学会医药科工作委员会颁发的“全国第一届医药学研究生教育成果奖”一等奖

  2. 胡雁教授指导的硕士研究生傅亮(2014届,科学学位)撰写的的硕士学位论文《艾滋病临床护理实践指南的构建研究》获“2015年上海市研究生优秀成果(学位论文)”(证书编号16403

  3. 沈王琴, 胡雁的论文The validity and reliability of the self-directied learning instrument (SDLI) in mainland Chinese nursing students. BMC Medical Education. 2014, 14:108. ID-1.41)获2014年全国医学教育优秀论文三等奖(胡雁*通讯作者)

  4. 胡雁教授指导的硕士研究生成磊2011届,科学学位)撰写的的硕士学位论文《住院患者跌倒预防的循证实践研究》获“2012年上海市研究生优秀成果(学位论文)”(证书编号13305

  5. 胡雁,邢唯杰,贾宏丽,徐建鸣,李铮,卢惠娟等.“循证护理模式的构建与临床应用研究”2013年中华护理学会科技奖二等奖 (第一完成人),2013.12.  证书号20130203-1
