Zhu Lei 朱磊
发布时间:2017-05-10                                   浏览次数:206



心理学系 副教授


教育背景  2005-2009,华东师范大学,基础心理学,博士

           2007-2008University of  Louisville空间视觉 visiting  scholar




工作经历  2009-至今,复旦大学心理学系,副教授(2011-


学术组织   中国心理学会会员,上海市心理学会会员

研究兴趣    权力表征,痛觉移情不公平感自我认知学习与记忆

主要教学   实验心理学,认知心理学,心理实验设计与研究方法,社会认知神经科学














1Jiang, T. &  & Zhu, L. (通讯作者) (2015). Is  powerspace a continuum?  Distance effect during power judgments. Consciousness and Cognition, 37, 8-15.  (IF = 2.235)

2Jiang, T., Sun, L.,  & Zhu, L. (通讯作者) (2015). The  influence of vertical motor responses on explicit and incidental processing of  power words. Consciousness and Cognition, 34, 33-42. (IF = 2.235)

3Guo, X., Zheng, L.,  Cheng, X., Chen, M., Zhu, L. (通讯作者) et al. (2014).  Neural responses to unfairness and fairness depend on self-contribution to the  income. Social, Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 9: 1498-1505. (IF =  5.884)

4Guo, X., Zheng, L.,  Zhu, L. (通讯作者) et al. (2013).  Increased neural responses to unfairness in a loss context. NeuroImage, 77:  246-253. (IF = 6.132)

5Guo, X., Zheng, L.,  Wang, H., Zhu, L. (通讯作者) et al. (2013).  Exposure to violence reduces empathetic responses to others pain. Brain and  Cognition, 82: 187-191. (IF = 2.683)

6Zhu, L., Zheng, L.,  Chen, M., Guo, X. et al. (2013). The neural correlates of incidental  selfprocessing induced by handwritten negative words. Experimental Brain  Research, 228:1-8. (IF = 2.168)

7Guo, X., Zhu, L.  (通讯作者) et al. (2013).  Effects of task orientation on subsequent source memory as revealed by  functional MRI. Neural Regeneration Research, 8: 2424-2431. (IF =  0.234)

8Zhu, L. (2013).  Encoding organizational source and associative source under incidental and  intentional learning conditions. Psychology, 4: 677-681.

9Zhu, L., Guo, X. et  al. (2012) Hippocampal activity is associated with self-descriptiveness effect  in memory, whereas self-reference effect in memory depends on medial prefrontal  activity. Hippocampus, 22: 1540-1552. (IF = 4.302)

10Guo, X., Zheng, L.,  Zhang, W., Zhu, L. (通讯作者) et al. (2012).  Empathic neural response to others’ pain depends on  monetary reward. Social, Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 7: 535-541. (IF =  5.884)

11Zheng, L., Guo, X.,  Zhu, L. et al. (2014). Whether others were treated equally or not affects neural  responses to unfairness in the Ultimatum Game. Social Cognitive and Affective  Neuroscience, published online. (IF = 5.884)

12Qiao, F., Zheng, L.,  Li, L., Zhu, L., Wang, Q. (2014). Reduced repetition suppression in the  occipital visual cortex during repeated negative Chinese personality-trait word  processing. Scandinavian journal of psychology, 55: 533-537.  (IF =  1.147)

13Li, F., Guo, X.,  Zhu, L. et al. (2013). Implicit learning of mappings between forms and  metaphorical meanings. Consciousness and Cognition, 22: 174-183. (IF =  2.235)

14Guo, X., Jiang, S.,  Wang, H., Zhu, L. et al. (2013). Unconsciously learning task-irrelevant  perceptual sequences. Consciousness and Cognition, 22: 203-11. (IF =  2.235)

15Jiang, S., Zhu, L.,  Guo, X., Ma, W., Yang, Z., Dienes, Z. (2012). Unconscious structural knowledge  of tonal symmetry: Tang poetry redefines limits of implicit learning.  Consciousness and Cognition, 21: 476-486. (IF = 2.235)

16Zhu, L., Guo, X.,  Zheng, L., Li, J., Pei, M., Dienes, Z., Yang, Z. (2010). Graded contribution of  hippocampus to multifeature binding across temporal delay. Neuroreport, 21:  902-906. (IF = 1.644)

17Zhu L., He Z., Ooi  T. L. (2009). The Intrinsic Bias of Space Perception Is Updated During Walking.  Journal of Vision, 9. (IF = 2.727)

18Zhu, L., Wei, Z.,  Ge, X., & Su, X. (2004). Implicit learning of letter sequence is not the  same as temporal sequence in double-dimensional SRT. International Journal of  Psychology, 39: 375-375. (IF = 1.226)

19Guo, X., Zheng, L.,  Zhu, L., Yang, Z., Chen, C., Zhang, L., Ma, W., & Dienes, Z. (2011).  Acquisition of conscious and unconscious knowledge of semantic prosody.  Consciousness and Cognition, 20: 417-425. (IF = 2. 235)

20Chen, W., Guo, X.,  Tang, J., Zhu, L. et al. (2011). Unconscious structural knowledge of  form-meaning connections. Consciousness and Cognition, 20: 1751-1760. (IF = 2.  235)

21张丽芸朱磊(通讯作者)  (2015). 工作记忆对基于颜色的注意返回抑制的影响心理科学, 3,  559-563.

22朱磊郭秀艳,  杨治良.  (2010). 学习次数对记忆源检测图片偏向的影响心理学报, 42:  663-639.(权威期刊论文)

23朱磊.  (2009). 试论记忆源检测的双加工机制心理科学, 32,  1411-1413. (核心期刊论文)

24朱磊周楚杨治良.  (2011). 记忆源检测的加工分离心理科学, 34,  22-26.(核心期刊论文)

25朱磊郭秀艳记忆源检测的双加工机制研究心理科学, 2007, 6:  1363-1366. (核心期刊论文)

26朱磊游旭群杨治良心理学学术思想简介国家教育行政学院学报, 2006,12:  9-13. (核心期刊论文)

27朱磊杨治良内隐学习研究四十年心理科学进展, 2006, 14:  804-809. (核心期刊论文)

28朱磊孙里宁前瞻记忆的字形、语音TAP效应研究心理科学, 2004, 27:  1124-1126. (核心期刊论文)

29朱磊杨治良多种记忆分类之研究心理科学, 2003, 26:  694-697. (核心期刊论文)

30郭秀艳姜珊凌晓丽朱磊唐菁华.  (2011). 直觉对内隐学习优势效应的特异性贡献心理学报, 43:  977-982.(权威期刊论文)

31郭秀艳张敬敏朱磊李荆广误导信息效应中年龄差异与自信差异初探应用心理学, 2007, 13:  291-296.

32郭秀艳朱磊魏知超内隐学习的人工神经网络模型心理科学, 2006, 14:  837-843. (核心期刊论文)

33黄希庭郭秀艳朱磊尹华站应当关注时间心理无意识的研究心理科学, 2006, 29:  514-519. (核心期刊论文)

34郭秀艳朱磊神经网络模型对内隐学习的探索心理科学, 2006, 29:  480-484. (核心期刊论文)

35郭秀艳章悬朱磊思想教育的润物无声模式--文学艺术的无意识启动研究教育科学, 2005, 21(6):  27-29. (核心期刊论文)

36郭秀艳朱磊邹庆宇内隐学习的主观测量标准心理科学, 2005, 28:  1192-1195. (核心期刊论文)


1、 记忆与海马ISBN:9787567701076),学术专著,吉林大学出版社2013

2、 记忆源检测ISBN  9787560170695),学术专著吉林大学出版社2011

3、 实验心理学( ISBN704028971),参编教材,高等教育出版社,2010.8

4、 实验心理学(ISBN 978-7-117-08878-7),参编国家级教材,人民卫生出版社,2007.7

5、 实验心理学(第五版)(ISBN7-5343-7397-2),参与译著,江苏教育出版社,2006.12


1、Jiang, T., Zhu, L.  (通讯作者). (2014). Memory for Global and Local Information. International Society  of the Study of Behavioral Development 2014.

2、Zheng, L., Zhu, L.  et al. (2011). Violent Video Leads to Apathy? Reduced Brain Empathic Responses  after Exposure to Violent Video. The first international Society for Social  Neuroscience Symposium.

3Zhu L. He Z., Ooi T.  L. (2008). The memory of the ground surface representation for space perception.  The 47th psychonomics society annual meeting.

4郑丽朱磊郭秀艳 (2012). 负性信息的重复启动效应一个fMRI研究第十五届全国心理学学术会议.

5杨治良朱磊.  (2009). 顽固的源检测先验性图片偏向第十二届全国心理学学术大会.

6朱磊杨治良.  (2009). 源检测的脆弱性与错误观念的形成第十二届全国心理学学术大会.

7朱磊.  (2015). 权力的内隐表征中国社会学会政治社会学专业委员会成立大会暨社会转型与社会治理研讨会

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