
2016 李克强总理答记者问(三)


Full transcript(三):李克强总理答记者问



Spanish News Agency EFE: Just in the last two months, actions of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea have got the United States to increase its military presence in the Republic of Korea. At the same time, military tensions have increased in the South China Sea. And now Australia is in talks with the US in order to host strategic plane bombers in its territory And in the trade area 12 countries, not including China, have signed the Trans-Pacific Partnership. And my question is putting these together do you think that President Obama's focus in the Asia-Pacific region has already become a problem for China? Or do you see any other sources of instability in the whole Asia-Pacific area?


Li Keqiang: It seems that all your questions are related to China's neighborhood. So let me say that China all along believes in pursuing harmonious coexistence with its neighbors, and we always believe that we need to have a stable neighborhood environment.

It is up to the efforts of regional countries to maintain regional stability and harmony in the neighborhood. It is also natural that some differences may arise between neighbors. But we believe that as long as we all treat each other with sincerity and seek peaceful settlements to differences through diplomatic means, regional stability will be maintained. As for countries from outside the region, like the United States, we think the United States has never left the Asia-Pacific region. And all countries can work together to enhance cooperation and properly handle differences.

China is now pursuing modernization, hence development remains our top priority. China needs a stable neighborhood and a peaceful international environment for its domestic development. And a growing China will remain a staunch force for upholding global peace and it is also in the interests of China's neighbors. China will remain committed to the path of peaceful development and China will not waiver in its resolve to uphold sovereignty and territorial integrity and these two are not in conflict. Well we hope all countries from within this region and without will work together to uphold regional stability, not the opposite. That is in the interests of all.


China Radio International / CRI Online: In the agenda of the State Council's executive meetings ahead of the two sessions, there was a highlighted item about preservation of cultural relics. So my question is, with a country so big, facing so many problems and the government being so busy, is this issue of protecting cultural relics such an important issue?


Li Keqiang: Thank you for your keen interest in the State Council's executive meetings. The preservation of cultural relics is to boost cultural development in our country, enhance our moral strength and pass over our traditional culture. It will also help us to achieve balanced economic and social development. For the many problems that have occurred in our economic domain, such as cheating, swindling of the market place, selling fake goods, or loss of the good faith. One may also try to find causes behind those problems at the cultural level and make cultural prescriptions. The market economy is an economy on the basis of the rule of law with moral principles. So to develop culture will help us enhance moral strength in the course of pursuing modernization. We should not only work hard to create rich material wealth, but also meet our people's growing cultural needs and win the respect of other countries with the strength of culture and civilization. Thank you.


Phoenix TV: In the past couple of years whenever we come to the mainland, we are often asked what has happened with Hong Kong. There is so much to this one simple question and also the Mong Kok riots that took place on the first day of China's Lunar New Year exposed some problems that exist in Hong Kong's society. Hong Kong's economic growth has also been slowing. Mr. Premier, next year marks the 20th anniversary of Hong Kong's return to the motherland, many people in Hong Kong are asking this question: where will Hong Kong go in the future? What is your answer to that question Mr. Premier and will the central government introduce more policies to support Hong Kong's development?


Li Keqiang: Next time you get asked about this question, I suggest that you can answer that Hong Kong will maintain long-time stability and prosperity. The policy of the central government of adhering to one country, two systems — the Hong Kong people governing Hong Kong and high degree of autonomy will not change, and this policy has not changed. We believe that the Hong Kong SAR government has the ability and Hong Kong people have the wisdom to properly handle the complex issues in Hong Kong. The development of Hong Kong is needed by Hong Kong itself and also the country as a whole. Hong Kong's development ultimately comes down to the efforts made by the people in Hong Kong. As an advanced economy, Hong Kong achieved a (GDP)growth of 2.4 percent last year, which is not low at all. Hong Kong can further use its own strength and also seize the opportunity offered by mainland development. The central government will give full support to any proposal from the SAR government that helps maintain Hong Kong long-term stability and prosperity and contributes to the well-being of people in Hong Kong. I have a confidence in a bright future of Hong Kong.


Caijing: In this year's Government Work Report, the concept of the new economy was put forward for the first time. I wonder if this concept refers to e-commerce and those micro and small businesses? What does it have to do with the campaign for mass entrepreneurship and innovation? And how helpful could it be for withstanding the downward economic pressure?





Li Keqiang: To develop the new economy will help us foster new economic drivers and move forward China's economic transformation. The concept of the new economy covers a wide range of areas and has many dimensions. It can be found in the primary, secondary and tertiary industries. It's not just about emerging forms of business and industries such as e-commerce, cloud computing, the Internet of things and Internet. It can also be found in smart manufacturing, large-scale customer-made production in the industrial sector. It's also about the appropriately scaled-up operations in the primary industry, that is agriculture such as family farms and shareholding cooperatives.

We believe that micro and small businesses can do a lot in developing new economy and also large companies can make a big difference. The truth is many large companies in China have established their own makers' spaces. There are many such examples.

When development has come to a certain stage, it is only natural for traditional growth drivers to begin to wane, and that has happened in many developed countries. Hence, we need the boom of new growth drivers to accommodate the need of industrial revolution. And when we combine the new growth drivers and the upgraded traditional growth drivers, we can bring into being a hybrid driving force.

New growth drivers will also help with our efforts to cut industrial overcapacity. In the companies of those sectors with overcapacity, there is a problem of overstaffing, and the growth of new drivers will help generate new jobs tore-employ any possible laid-off people. The campaign of mass entrepreneurship and innovation is to put in place a platform for the development of various types of companies and research institutions, and to create a broad space forcrowd funding, crowd innovation and crowdsourcing.


Russia Today: Both China and Russia have recognized that the business cooperation between the two countries is lacking behind the growth of their political ties, and both sides have promised to change the situation by promoting trade ties and also investment cooperation. However, we have not seen a large inflow of Chinese investment in Russia yet. What is the reason for that? Is it because of the Western sanctions against Russia or Russia's own economic situation? Are Chinese companies under pressure from the United States and other countries in cooperating with Russia. Moreover, some Chinese experts believe that China is not that interested in making investment in Russia, but only interested in getting Russia's cheap energy. What is your response?




Li Keqiang: China and Russia are each other's biggest neighbors, there is a comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination between the two countries. This relationship is an all-dimensional one. President Xi Jinping and President Vladimir Putin have met with each other quite often, there is a close political relationship between the two countries and our business cooperation has been continuously rising because we have multiple operations in quite many fields. China has all along developed its relationship with Russia on the basis of mutual respect and mutual benefit, and China pursues an independent foreign policy of peace. China-Russia relations will not be affected by changing circumstances in the international environment, and will not cave to third-party pressure. In the meantime, China follows the principle of nonalignment, and China-Russian cooperation will not be targeted at any third party.

Just now I said our business cooperation has also been rising. For example, last year, Chinese imports of oil from Russia increased by eight million tons, but because of plummeting commodity prices on international markets, China's total imports and exports declined, not just its imports from Russia. The physical volume has gone up, by the total trade volume has come down because of the falling prices, and neither country is responsible for that. Last year I had a deep discussion about China-Russia business cooperation with Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, we agreed that we can explore cooperation in the integrated development of oil and natural gas, sectors that will help attract more Chinese investment, and we can also introduce a greater level of diversity into our trade mix. I hope that next year, if you come to this press conference again, I can tell you that the business ties between our two countries have turned the corner for the better.

And I believe the enhancement of our business ties will also reflect the improvement of the global trade situation, and that will be a warm breeze our two countries can bring to global trade.
