


This course is an interdisciplinary course that spans the engineering and medicine with the development of new technology. It uses the theories, techniques and methods of informatics, computer and cognitive science to study the nature and movement of medical images. Its research content is related to computer, mathematics, physics, anatomy, pathology and radiology and other professional courses. It provides medical support for medical information collection, processing, storage, transmission, analysis, utilization, and even medical knowledge. It also provides support for clinical decision-making, and providing economic, quality, efficient and safe health care for the population.

The scope of the course is to explore the science of biology, medicine, or broader health data, that is, the collection, storage, interaction and presentation of images; explore how to use information technology to optimize these processes; explore how to use these data information and knowledge at all levels of application science.To this end, we design the content including: introduction to medical imaging, anatomical and pathological imaging, medical information system architecture, medical data visualization of clinical workstations, image data segmentation, extraction, registration, feature representation, analysis and navigation , medical data modeling, and the establishment, application and evaluation of disease models. It can be said that this course covers a lot of content, but the scientific design is reasonable, which medical students should learn and master.
