

       INTERNATIONAL LAW        




Valerie Epps, International Law, 4th ed., Carolina Academic Press, 2009

Supplemental Reading Materials:

Summary of ICJ Cases


        Supplemental Reading Materials

             Summary of ICJ Cases

1. North Sea Continental Shelf Case

Germany v. Denmark and Netherlands (1969, ICJ)               p.1


2. Genocide case

Bosnia-Herzegovina v. Serbia/Montenegro (2007, ICJ)           p. 5


3.Case Concerning Gabcikovo-Nagymaros Project                   

Hungary v. Slovakia (1997, ICJ)                             p.35


4. According with international law of the unilateral declaration of

independence in respect of Kosovo

(Advisory Opinion of 22 July 2010, ICJ)                      p.49


5. Case Concerning the Arrest Warrant of 11 April 2000

   Democratic Republic of the Congo v. Belgium (2002, ICJ)        p.80


6. the Corfu Channel Case United Kingdom v. Albania (1949 ICJ)    p. 93


7. Nottebohm Case Liechtenstein v. Guatemala (1955, ICJ)           p.96



8. Sovereignty over Pedra Branca/Pulau Batu Puteh, Middle Rocks

and South Ledge     Malaysia/Singapore (2008 ICJ)             p.99


9. Case Concerning United States Diplomatic and

 Consular Staff in Tehran  US v. Iran (1980 ICJ)                 p.118


10. Case Concerning Avena and Other Mexican Nationals

                   Mexico v. US (2004, ICJ)                    p. 122


11. Case Concerning Military and Paramilitary Activities in

and against Nicaragua  Nicaragua v. US (1984, ICJ)             p. 142


12. Legality of the Threat or Use of Unclear Weapons

                 (Advisory Opinion of ICJ, 1996)                p.154