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Slides of Tissue and Organ of Human Body


Slides of Tissue and Organ of Human Body



Preparation of a Histological Slide



There are many ways in which histological slides can be prepared. Choice of preparation (sectioning and staining) depends on the aims of observation. Basically, a small piece of tissue is obtained from human or animal body. It is then treated with an appropriate fixative which quickly preserves hardens the tissue and prevents autolysis so that tissue morphology may be maintained as close as possible to its living condition. After fixation, the tissue is cut into thin slices using a slicer under the presence of a reinforcing agent. The latter can be paraffin, colloidin or epoxy resin.


The techniques of sectioning include paraffin section, colloidin section, frozen section, vibration section, etc.. Amongst such, paraffin section is the most common since it is easy and convenient to prepare. It maintains cellular structures very well and can be cut in thin slices (usually between 5 μm to 8 μm) easily. Such thin sections make it easier to study the structures easier. It can also be adapted to different staining methods and to generate serial sections if needed. However, tissue contraction (accounting for 20%) is more severe in its preparation compared with other techniques. After sectioning, thin tissue slices are stained with different dyes before observation. Some slides you see in your practical classes require special staining, such as histochemical and immunohistological preparations, which require very different treatment.


From the above procedures, we can appreciate how complicated and delicate it is to produce a slide. Aside from the tedious techniques and use of many reagents, the source of our specimens is very scarce. Therefore, we encourage all students to treasure each slide.



Ø  The List of Slides You Need to Observe, Please Check Your Practical Textbook <Practical Manual of Histology> .



Practical Manual of Histology

CHEN Hong & XU Chen

People’s Medical Publication House


ISBN 978-7-117-15914-2


Regulations of Histological Slide Usage and Management

1.        All students should have a seat according to the number assigned by teacher. Fill in your seat number, slide box number and personal information in the registration form of slide box during your first practical class.

2.        Please check the status of all slides when you get them for the first time. If damage or redundancy occurs, report to your instructor for replacement. If everything is in order, write "Ok" on the registration form of slide box.

3.        When opening a slide box in your class, each student should check if every slide is in a good condition. Report to your instructor if it is damaged. It is honest and trustworthy personnel that record every damaged event in the registration book of slide damage.

4.        If a slide is damaged during your use, report instantly to your instructor and record precisely in the registration book of slide damage. Replacement of an ordinary slide costs 10 RMB while a scarce slide costs 20 RMB. HOWEVER, IF NO REPORTS OR NO RECORDS PRECISELY, the formative score making up 40% would be ZERO because of your un-honest and un-trustworthy behaviors.

5.        During review class for the midterm or final examination, all students should pay close attention to your slide boxes and ensure the correct order and proper conditions of all slides. Report instantly to your instructor when you find any problems and fill out the slide damage registration book truthfully so that a new slide will be set up.

6.        During the review class for the final examination, each student should verify the status of every slide and check out while compensations are made to damaged ones. Fill in "Ok" on the registration form of slide box and hand in your slide box to the instructor when everything is done.


Department of Anatomy, Histology & Embryology

School of Basic Medical Sciences

Fudan University