
俞志元,社会学博士(芝加哥大学),现任复旦大学社会学系讲师。主要教学及研究领域涉及 政治社会学、非政府组织研究、社会和政治运动、组织社会学、医学社会学等。目前主持的主要科研项目有:“社会组织的发展规律和有效性研究” (上海浦江人才计划)。主要代表性论文有:


2006. “Differential Participation and the Nature of a Movement: A Study of the 1999 Anti-U.S. Beijing Student Demonstration.”Social Forces Vol. 84, No. 3. (Co-authored with Dingxin Zhao)

2007. “Unwanted Sexual Activity among Married Women in Urban China.”The Journal of Sex Research 44, no. 2. (Co-authored with William Parish, Luo Ye, Edward Laumann, and Melissa Kew)