
发布时间: 2013-05-29      访问次数: 153


1.阚海斌老师指导的本科生李元同学,在IEEE Transactions on Information Theory、IEICE Transactions、《中国科学》上发表了多篇论文,收到了美国多个名校的奖学金。



4.阚海斌老师指导计算机学院07级本科生李元同学从事科研活动,获得了复旦大学“君政学者”、“望道学者”项目资助,李元在《中国科学》、日本IEICE Transactions上共发表了5篇SCI科研论文。因为出色的研究能力与成果,他获得了美国多个名校的全额奖学金。


6.章忠志老师指导的本科生中已有14名同学先后申请到学校的“莙政项目”或“望道项目”,其中11名同学已经以“优秀”的成绩结题。其中林苑同学,在本科期间先后获得了“莙政项目”与“望道项目”的资助,并取得了优秀的成绩。在项目的资助下,在《Physical Review E》在内的国际期刊发表SCI论文12篇,总影响因子达27。上海青年报对林苑的科研事迹进行了报道,同时新浪网头条也报道了林苑同学的优秀科研成果。

7.张巍老师在在本科生当中很受欢迎, 2012年被评为2012届本(专)科毕业生“我心目中的好老师”。


(1)H. Wang, J. Peng, Y. Li, and Haibin Kan, On 2k-Variable Symmetric Boolean Functions with Maximum Algebraic Immunity k, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. 58, No. 8, August 2012.

(2)Yuan Li and Haibin Kan, Complex Orthogonal Designs with Forbidden $2 \times 2$ Submatrices, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. 58, No. 7, July 2012.

(3)Xiaodong Liu, Yuan Li, and Haibin Kan, On the Minimum Decoding Delay of Balanced Complex Orthogonal Design, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, accepted.

(4)Haibin Kan, Yuan Li and Y. Zhao, Capacity Factors of a Point-to-point Network, Information Science., vol. 285, pp. 24-34, 2014.

(5)Yuan Li, Chen Yuan and Haibin Kan, Explicit-form Complex Orthogonal Design for Space-time Block Codes, Science in China(F), Vol. 56, No. 6, June 2013.

(6)Yuan Li, Haibin KAN, and Kokichia,Futatsugi, Note on "On the Construction of Boolean Functions with Optimal Algebraic Immunity", IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals, Vol.E94-A,No.9, Sep. 2011.

(7)Yuan Li, Hui Wang, Haibin Kan, Constructing Even-Variable Symmetric Boolean Functions with High Algebraic Immunity, IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals, Vol.E94-A, No.1, Jan. 2011.

(8)Yuan Li, Haibin Kan, Chen Yuan, Huanfei Ma, The Maximal Rates and Minimal Decoding Delay of More General Complex Orthogonal Designs, Science in China(F), Vol.53, No.9, Sept. 2010.

(9)Yuan Li, Min Yang, Haibin Kan, Constructing and Counting Boolean Functions on Even Variables with Maximum Algebraic Immunity. IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals, Vol.E93-A, No.3, Mar. 2010.

(10)Wei Zhang, Ke Zhang, Pan Gu, XiangyangXue: Multi-View Embedding Learning for Incompletely Labeled Data. the 23rd International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), Aug. 2013, Beijing.

(11)Wei Zhang, XiangyangXue, Jianping Fan, Xiaojing Huang, Bin Wu, and Mingjie Liu, Multi-Kernel Multi-Label Learning with Max-Margin Concept Network,the 22nd International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), July 2011, Barcelona, Spain.

(12)XiangyangXue, Wei Zhang, Jie Zhang, Bin Wu, Jianping Fan, and Yao Lu,Correlative Multi-Label Multi-Instance Image Annotation, the 13th International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV) , Nov.2011, Barcelona, Spain.

(13)Zhang Zhongzhi, Wu Bin, Zhang Hongjuan, Zhou Shuigeng, Guan Jihong, and Wang Zhigang. Determining global mean-first-passage time of random walks on Vicsek fractals using eigenvalues of Laplacian matrices. Physical Review E, 2010, 81:031118.

(14)Zhang Zhongzhi, Liu Hongxiao,Wu Bin, and Zhou Shuigeng. Enumeration of spanning trees in a pesudofractal scale-free web. EPL (Europhysics Letters), 2010, 90:68002.

(15)Zhang Zhongzhi, Gao Shuyang, Chen Lichao, Zhou Shuigeng, Zhang Hongjuan, and Guan Jihong.Mapping Koch curves into scale-free small-world networks.Journal of Physics A:Mathematical and Theoretical, 2010, 43:395101.

(16)Zhang Zhongzhi, Gao Shuyang, andXieWenlei.Impact of degree heterogeneity on the behavior of trapping in Koch networks. Chaos, 2010, 20:043112.

(17)Lin Yuan, Wu Bin, and Zhang Zhongzhi. Determining mean first-passage time on a class of treelike regular fractals. Physical Review E, 2010, 82:021140.

(18)Zhang Zhongzhi, and Lin Yuan. An alternative approach to determining average distance in a class of scale-free modular networks. Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, 2010, P12017.

(19)Zhang Zhongzhi, Liu Hongxiao,Wu Bin, and Zou Tao. Spanning trees in a fractal scale-free lattice.Physical Review E, 2011, 83:016116.

(20)Zhongzhi Zhang, Lin Yuan, and Ma Youjun. Effect of trap position on the efficiency of trapping in treelike scale-free networks. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 2011, 44:075102.

(21)Zhang Zhongzhi, andGao Shuyang.Scaling of mean first-passage time as efficiency measure of nodes sending information on scale-free Koch networks.European Physical Journal B, 2011, 80:209-216.

(22)Zhang Zhongzhi,Li Xintong, Lin Yuan,and Chen Guanrong. Random walks in small-world exponential treelike networks. Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, 2011, P08013.

(23)Zhang Zhongzhi, Yang Yihang, and Gao Shuyang. Role of fractal dimension in random walks on scale-free networks.European Physical Journal B, 2011, 84:331-338.

(24)Lin Yuan, Wu Bin, Zhang Zhongzhi,and Chen Guanrong.Counting spanning trees in self-similar networks by evaluating determinants. Journal of Mathematical Physics, 2011, 52:113303.

(25)Zhang Zhongzhi,Julaiti Alafate, Hou Baoyu, ZhangHongjuan, and Chen Guanrong.Mean first-passage time for random walks on undirected networks. European Physical Journal B, 2011, 84:691-697.

(26)Zhang Zhongzhi, Sheng Yibin, and Jiang Qiang. Monomer-dimer model on a scale-free small-world network. Physica A, 2012, 391:828-833.

(27)Zhang Zhongzhi, Yang Yihang, andLin Yuan. Random walks in modular scale-free networks with multiple traps. Physical Review E, 2012, 85:011106.

(28)Zhang Zhongzhi, HuZhengyi, Sheng Yibin, and Chen Guanrong. Exact eigenvalue spectrum of a class of fractal scale-free networks. EPL (Europhysics Letters), 2012, 99:10007.

(29)Lin Yuan, Julaiti Alafate, and Zhang Zhongzhi. Mean first-passage time for random walks in general graphs with a deep trap.The Journal of Chemical Physics, 2012,137:124104.

(30)Zhang Zhongzhi, Sheng Yibin,Hu Zhengyi, and Chen Guanrong. Optimal and suboptimal networks for efficient navigation measured by mean-first passage time of random walks. Chaos, 2012,22:043129.

(31)Zhang Zhongzhi,Shan Tong,and Chen Guanrong.Random walks on weighted networks.

(32)Julaiti Alafate,Wu Bin, Zhang Zhongzhi.Eigenvalues of normalized Laplacian matrices of fractal trees and dendrimers: Analytical results and applications.The Journal of Chemical Physics, 2013,138:204116.

(33)Zhang Zhongzhi,GuoXiaoye, and Yuan Lin.Full eigenvalues of Markov matrix for scale-free polymer networks. Physical Review E, 2014,90:022816.

(34)Zhang Zhongzhi, Huan Li, and Yibin Sheng.Effects of reciprocity on random walks in weighted networks. Scientific Reports, 2014,4:7460.