发布时间: 2012-03-30   浏览次数: 108


【英文篇名】An Administrative Law Look at Analogy
【作者英文名】LIU Zhi-gang(Law school of Fudan University; shanghai 200433; China);
【文献出处】现代法学, Modern Law Science, 编辑部邮箱2008年 06期  
              期刊荣誉:中文核心期刊要目总览  ASPT来源刊  CJFD收录刊
【关键词】类推制度; 法律漏洞; 秩序行政; 给付行政; 行政私法;
【英文关键词】analogy system; law loopholes; order administration; welfare administration; verwaltungsprivatsrecht;
【摘要】在作为公法的行政法领域之内,类推制度同样有其得以存在的正当性。行政法领域存 在类推制度的原因是:其一,法律漏洞的现实存在;其二,为了避免行政机关侵损法律保留原则;其三,类推制度不违反立法的民主性原则及法的安定性原则。就行 政法领域类推制度的适用范围来看,类推制度仅存在于给付行政领域,秩序行政领域不具有该制度得以生成的基础。给付行政领域的类推适用,应秉持整体主义的视 角,摒弃不利类推禁止原则,而行政法领域类推制度的适用,应秉持公法优先、兼顾并适当限制私法的原则。
【英文摘要】Analogy is justified in administrative law with the following reasons:(1) there exist loopholes of law;(2) to prevent legal rules from infringement by the executive;and(3) analogy is not inconsistent with the principle of democracy or invariability of law-making.As for its applicability,analogy only applies to "administration of welfares" rather than "administration of peace or order." While applying in the administration of welfares,analogy should be treated with an overall point and prohibitions on disadv...