发布时间: 2010-05-12 浏览次数: 244













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复旦大学管理学院信息管理与信息系统系 200433







计算机网络: 本科生专业课, 周学时3+1, 6, 学生人数平均每次50

管理信息系统: 本科生基础课,周学时4, 2,学生人数平均每次70

程序设计I: 本科生基础课,周学时4, 6,学生人数平均每次70

电子商务模式与应用: 本科生专业课, 周学时2, 4, 学生人数平均每次50

知识管理与知识管理系统: 研究生选修课,周学时2,2,学生人数平均每次15









2004 获管理学院 一等奖教金。








12010.01-2012.12,  自然科学基金面上项目,移动商务中情景感知服务的认知模型与应变调适机制研究,课题编号:70972048,经费 26万。

22008-2010     上海市社科规划青年课题,基于情景感知技术的公共安全应急响应决策支持系统研究,2008EZH002

32008-2011      上海市浦江人才计划,“移动商务中的情景感知服务研究”

42007,1-2009,12  教育部青年项目,“移动商务中的情景感知服务提供机制及其隐私保护研究”。课题编号:06JC630007

52006,3-2006,8   上海市静安区信息委“上海市静安区面向企业服务系统研究”

62006,1-2006,3   上海市上海市静安区信息委“上海市静安区市民服务系统研究”

72005,10-2007,10  复旦大学“金苗”青年发展基金“移动商务中的情景感知服务初步研究”

82005,10-2006,1  上海市外经贸委 “上海市国际贸易电子商务现状研究报告




92005,3-2005,7  上海市信息委“上海市电子商务行业平台规划、推进方案”





12010.01-2012.12 国家自然科学基金重大研究计划“非常规突发事件应急管理研究”培育项目,非常规突发事件网络信息认知模式、传播规律及预警机制研究,课题编号:90924013,经费 35

22010.01-2012.12 国家自然科学基金面上项目,基于IT的流程柔性及业务流程重组(BPR)价值产生机理研究,课题编号:70972047,经费 26万。

32008,1 2010,12 国家自然科学基金青年项目“基于消费者行为分析的网上支付风险管理及监管研究”。课题编号:70702028。经费 19

42007,1 2009,12,国家社科基金项目“信息技术与大都市政府公共行政管理体制创新理论与方法研究”。课题编号:06BZZ020


62005年自然科学基金项目“业务流程重组过程的接受模型研究” 课题编号:70572027





112004,5-2005,8 上海市经委“上海市企业信息化公共服务平台项目开展计划”。

122008, 9 -2008,12 闽路润有限公司信息系统规划项目。




1     袁雨飞,王有为,胥正川,杨庆,高玉飞,《移动商务》,清华出版社,20066月第1版,ISBN 7-302-12736-0

2     王有为,胥正川,杨庆,《移动商务原理与应用》,清华出版社,200611月第1

3     《信息化规划与项目管理(上下)》,上海科学技术出版社,2007,7,主要编委

4     《成功的企业信息化---上海市信息化示范企业的十大案例研究》,复旦大学出版社,2005,1,主要编委



1     XU Zhengchuan, YUAN Yufei, A decision analysis framework for emergency notification: the case of the Sichuan earthquake, Int. J. Emergency Management, Vol. 6, No. 2, 2009, 227-243. EI: 20094912527082

2     胥正川,网络游戏成瘾的动机及抑制性因素作用的实证研究,复旦学报(自然科学版)  Vol.48(3),  2009,  中文:  308-314

3     LIANG Jun, XU Zheng-chuan, MAO Dong-mei, CHENG Xian-yi, Multi-agent based evolutional algorithm in medicine image segmentation  Journal of Communication and Computer, Jun. 2009, Volume 6, No.6 (Serial No.55), pp. 31-35 EI检索期刊,待检索)

4     XU Zhengchuan, YUAN Yufei, Principle-Based Dispute Resolution for Consumer Protection, Knowledge-Based Systems, Vol 22, 2009, pp. 18-27  EI: 20084811752991, SCI (ISI Document Delivery NO:055TI5-Year Impact Factor: 1.103)

5     XU Zhengchuan, YUAN Yufei, The Impact of Context and Incentives on Mobile Service Adoption, International Journal of Mobile Communications, Vol 7, No.3, 2009, pp. 363-381. EI: 20091311979633, SCI (ISI Document Delivery NO:055T)

6     Zhang Chenghong, Liu Songran, Xu Zhengchuan, Gu Zhuojun, Wang Xiaoling, Knowledge representation and query process based-on semantic web technologies, Proc. 9th ACIS Int. Conf. Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Parallel/Distributed Computing, SNPD 2008 and 2nd Int. Workshop on Advanced Internet Technology and Applications, p 943-948, 2008, EI: 20085211815515. (通讯作者)

7     Zhengchuan XU, Yufei Yuan, The Impact of Motivation and Prevention Factors on Game Addiction, Published in Proceedings of the Seventh Annual Workshop on HCI Research in MIS, Paris, France, December 13, 2008

8     Chenghong Zhang, Jiewei Zhang, Zhengchuan Xu, A Semantic Approach for Knowledge Sharing in Collaborative Commerce Environment, Published in The 4th International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing (WiCOM),Oct. 12th-14th,2008. China, Dalian. EI: 20090111835489

9     XU Zhengchuan, ZHANG Chenghong, LING Hong, A Contextual Acceptance Model of Mobile Commerce Based on TAM, Published in Proc. Of International Conference on The Third International Multi-Conference on Computing in the Global Information Technology (ICCGI), July 27 - August 1, 2008, Athens, Greece, EI: 083911604478

10    庄永婷,胥正川,凌鸿,网络游戏成瘾中的外部抑制性因素模型研究,海峡两岸资讯管理发展策略研讨会,2008,7,15-16, pp:545-558

11    Xu Zhengchuan, Zhang Chenghong, An architecture and issues for online dispute resolution with fairness and justice, Chinese Control and Decision Conference, July 2-4, 2008, pp:281-282

12    Chuan PANG, Zhengchuan XU, J. Michael TARN, A Web Services based framework for knowledge management in a peer-to-peer environment, Communications of ICISA (ISSN: 1533-2454), 2006, Summer, Vol 8, No.1

13    Yufei Yuan,Wuping Zheng, Youwei Wang, Zhengchuan Xu, Xiaolingtong vs. 3G in China: which will be the winner?, Journal of Telecommunications Policy, v 30, n 5-6, June/July, 2006, p 297-313. EI: 2006209880406, SCI (ISI Document Delivery NO:055TIImpact Factor1.244)

14    XU Zhengchuan, JIN Huiliang, LING Hong, Analyzing the Value of Location Information for Four Taxi Dispatching modes, Published in Journal of Tsinghua Science and Technology. Vol. 10 December 2005, pp 844-851. EI: 2006109747747

15      XU Zhengchuan, YUAN Yufei, Shaobo JI, A Decision Analysis Framework for Emergency Notification, Published in Proc. Of HICSS (HAWAII INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SYSTEM SCIENCES) 41th, January 8 10, 2008, Waikoloa, Big Island, Hawaii, U.S.A.

16    XU Zhengchuan, YUAN Yufei, What is the influence of context and incentive on mobile commerce adoption? a case study of a GPS-based Taxi Dispatching System, Published in Proc. Of International Conference on Mobile Business (ICMB), 2007, July 9-11, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. EI: 20082811373544

17    XU Zhengchuan, YUAN Yufei, Principle-Based Dispute Resolution for Consumer Protection,Published in Proc. Of GROUP DECISION AND NEGOTIATIONS,  2007,  Mt. Tremblant-Montreal, Canada

18    Hong Ling, Peiqiang Tan, Zhengchuan Xu, Tao Dong,A Uniform Integrated Reasoning Approach Based on User, Context and Service Models for Context-Aware Service, Published in Proc. Of International Conference on Mobile Business (ICMB), 2007, July 9-11, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

19    Hong Ling, Tao Dong, Zhengchuan Xu, Peiqiang Tan, An Integrated Service Selection Engine for Context-aware Computing, Published in Proc. Of International Conference on Mobile Business (ICMB), 2007, July 9-11, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

20    Peiqiang Tan, Zhengchuan Xu, Hong Ling, The principal-agent model of knowledge sharing within enterprises, International Symposium on Distributed Computing and Applications to Business, Engineering and Science(DCABES2006).

21    Hong Ling, Wei Yuan, Zhengchuan XU, A Project-Based Model for Implementing BPR, Proceedings of the Fitth International Conference on Electronic Business,2005, Dec.

22    XU Zhengchuan, CHEN Tianjiao, LING Hong, HUANG Lihua, A model of Context-Awareness Services Adoption, Published in Seventh World Congress of the Management of e-business, July 13-15, 2006. Halifax, Canada.

23    XU Zhengchuan, ZHOU Ying, HUANG Lihua, LING Hong, Constructing the public service systems for the E-Business environment in Shanghai City, Published in the proceedings of second annual IS/IT in Asia Pacific Conference (ISAP 2005) in Las Vegas, USA, December 11, 2005

24    Xu Zhengchuan, Yuan Yufei,Jin Huiliang, Ling Hong, Investigating the Value of Location Information in Taxi Dispatching Services: A case study of DaZhong Taxi, Published in Intel. Conf. (PACIS'05), July 7-10,2005, Bangkok, Thailand.

25    Chen Tianjiao,Xu Zhengchuan,Mobile Commerce Adoption Research:A Literature Review and a Proposed Framework, Published in Intel. Conference on Digtal Environment(CoDE), July 29-30,2005, Shanghai,China.

26    Jin Huiliang,Xu Zhengchuan, Ling Hong,The Successful Issues of Mobile Services in Transportation Industry: A case study of DaZhong Transportation Company, Published in Intel. Conference on Digtal Environment(CoDE), July 29-30,2005, Shanghai,China.

27    Zhou Jiangbo,Ling Hong,Xu Zhengchuan, Verifying Workflow Process with Two Theorems, Published in Intel. Conference on Digtal Environment(CoDE), July 29-30,2005, Shanghai,China.

32    陈天娇 胥正川 黄丽华,情景感知服务的用户接受模型研究,《科技进步与对策》,20072月(第 24 卷第2期)。

33    谭培强,胥正川,凌鸿,企业内部知识共享的委托-代理模型,《科技进步与对策》,20065月(第 23 卷第 5 期)

34    邹雅丽, 凌鸿, 胥正川,供应链跨组织流程重组协调的激励机制研究,《科技进步与对策》,2006 9 (第23卷第 9  期)

35    凌鸿 , 曾凤焕 , 胥正川,移动技术对直面客户电子商务模式的影响,《商业经济研究》(20063月)第24卷第35.

36    胥正川、陈忠民、孙海,关系数据库中的XML关键字检索技术,《高技术通讯》(042月期)EI: 2004148103489