视频七:Nanophotonics(Prof. Prasad)
发布时间: 2009-03-19   浏览次数: 172



  下面这个链接是The State University of New York(Buffalo分校)的Dr. Paras N. Prasad教授关于Nanophotonics的一个讲座,非常值得一看(打开链接点击View course按钮即可观看):



Prasad 教授中文简介:

Paras N. Prasad 教授,纽约州立大学布法罗分校化学系、物理系、医学系和电子工程系杰出教授(纽约州立大学系统最高级别教授),美国物理学会(APS)和美国光学学会(OSA) Fellow。在光子学、生物光子学和纳米光子学等方面造诣颇深,并对这些领域的发展作出了杰出贡献。发表论文500余篇,著书多部,比如已被广泛用作教材的"Introduction to Nonlinear Optical Effects in Molecules and Polymers", 以及"Introduction to Biophotonics" 和 "Nanophotonics" 等专著。曾获得过很多有名的奖项,比如Sloan和Guggenheim fellowships、Schoellkopf Award of the Western New York American Chemical Society等等。(详细Prasad教授介绍,请见英文版本)。

Prasad 教授联系方式:

Paras N. Prasad
Institute for Lasers, Photonics and Biophotonics
Department of Chemistry, Physics, Electrical Engineering, and Medicine
State University of New York at Buffalo
Buffalo, New York, 14260

Prasad 教授英文简介:

Dr. Paras N. Prasad is a Distinguished Professor of Chemistry, Physics, Medicine and Electrical Engineering, the highest rank in the New York State university system. He has the highly unusual distinction of being a faculty member in three different UB schools: College of Arts and Sciences, School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, and the School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences. He also holds the Samuel P. Capen Chair at the University at Buffalo. He established the internationally recognized Photonics Research Laboratory, which forms the core of the multidisciplinary Institute for Lasers, Photonics and Biophotonics, of which he is the Executive Director. He has published over 500 scientific papers, co-edited six books and co-authored a monograph (with D.J. Williams), "Introduction to Nonlinear Optical Effects in Molecules and Polymers", the first monograph in this field, which has widely been used as a textbook and a reference source. Recently, Dr. Prasad published "Introduction to Biophotonics", the first monograph in this field, which authoritatively defines the field, details its scope and identifies emerging opportunities.

Professor Prasad is one of the early pioneers and most widely recognized by the international community for his seminal contributions to the field of nonlinear optical effects in molecules and polymers. Through more than a decade of numerous ground breaking theoretical and experimental works, Professor Prasad has made a major contribution to the fundamental understanding of the interplay of structure and energy state dynamics to produce a specific nonlinear optical response.

More recently, his contributions have been in the new field of "Nanophotonics". His efforts have focused on creating a fundamental understanding of nonlinear optical processes at the nanometer size scale, developing novel concepts for the design of nanostructured optical materials, and probing interactions and dynamics of nonlinear processes.

He has also contributed to developing another new field, “Biophotonics,” which utilizes light-matter interaction to probe biological structure and functions at the cellular, tissue and organism levels, leading to novel methods of optical diagnostics and light-activated therapy. Professor Prasad has again focused on applications of nonlinear optical techniques for Biophotonics.

Dr. Prasad has received much recognition for his pioneering contributions. He is a Fellow of the American Physical Society and a Fellow of the Optical Society of America. He is also a recipient of the prestigious Sloan and Guggenheim fellowships. Dr. Prasad has received the Schoellkopf Award of the Western New York American Chemical Society for his academic achievements. He was also awarded the Technology/Discovery award from the Western New York Health Care Industries Association for his pioneering work on "Nanoclinics" for Biophotonics. He has been awarded by the Chancellor of the State University of New York system the "Excellence in Pursuit of Knowledge" award.

Dr. Prasad has also been very active in bringing to the attention of chemists, the field of Nonlinear Optics, usually perceived as more physics oriented. His work has lead to an understanding of structure-property relation, providing guiding principles for chemical design of nonlinear optical materials. Dr. Prasad has also been a leader in promoting international scientific infrastructures, particularly to benefit developing countries. He organized six "International Conferences on Frontiers of Polymers and Advanced Materials (India, 1991; Indonesia, 1993; Malaysia, 1995; Egypt, 1997; Poland, 1999; Brazil, 2001)". Each of these conferences has brought together top level scientists, engineers and government representatives from more than 20 countries to develop a global infrastructure for advanced materials and emerging technologies.

Currently, Dr. Prasad is the leader of a multi-institutional program (involving State University of New York at Buffalo; University of California, Berkeley; M.I.T; University of Washington; Yale University; Department of Defense’s Research organizations), which is supported by the US Department of Defense through the "Defense University Research Initiative on Nanotechnology (DURINT)".