Chapter 16-20
发布时间: 2009-08-12   浏览次数: 560


Chapter 16: Audit Sampling for Tests of Details of Balances
After studying this chapter, you should be able to:
  1. Differentiate audit sampling for tests of details of balances and for tests of controls and substantive tests of transactions.
  2. Apply nonstatistical sampling to tests of details of balances.
  3. Apply monetary unit sampling.
  4. Describe variables sampling.
  5. Use difference estimation in tests of details of balances.
Chapter 17: Audit of the Payroll and Personnel Cycle
After studying this chapter, you should be able to:
  1. Identify the accounts and transactions in the payroll and personnel cycle.
  2. Describe the business functions and the related documents and records in the payroll and personnel cycle.
  3. Understand internal control and design and perform tests of controls and substantive tests of transactions for the payroll and personnel cycle.
  4. Design and perform analytical procedures for the payroll and personnel cycle.
  5. Design and perform tests of details of balances for accounts in the payroll and personnel cycle.
Chapter 18: Audit of the Acquisition and Payment Cycle: Tests of Controls, Substantive Tests of Transactions, and Accounts Payable
After studying this chapter, you should be able to:
  1. Identify the accounts and the classes of transactions in the acquisition and payment cycle.
  2. Describe the business functions and the related documents and records in the acquisition and payment cycle.
  3. Understand internal control and design and perform tests of controls and substantive tests of transactions for the acquisition and payment cycle.
  4. Describe the methodology for designing tests of details of balances for accounts payable using the audit risk model.
  5. Design and perform analytical procedures for accounts payable.
  6. Design and perform tests of details of balances for accounts payable, including out-of-period liability tests.
  7. Distinguish the reliability of vendors' invoices, vendors' statements, and confirmations of accounts payable as audit evidence.
Chapter 19: Completing the Tests in the Acquisition and Payment Cycle: Verification of Selected Accounts
After studying this chapter, you should be able to:
  1. Recognize the many accounts in the acquisition and payment cycle.
  2. Design and perform audit tests of property, plant, and equipment and related accounts.
  3. Design and perform audit tests of prepaid expenses.
  4. Design and perform audit tests of accrued liabilities.
  5. Design and perform audit tests of income and expense accounts.
Chapter 20: Audit of the Inventory and Warehousing Cycle
After studying this chapter, you should be able to:
  1. Describe the business functions and the related documents and records in the inventory and warehousing cycle.
  2. Explain the five parts of the audit of the inventory and warehousing cycle.
  3. Design and perform audit tests of cost accounting.
  4. Apply analytical procedures to the accounts in the inventory and warehousing cycle.
  5. Design and perform physical observation audit tests for inventory.
  6. Design and perform audit tests of pricing and compilation for inventory.
  7. Integrate the various parts of the audit of the inventory and warehousing cycle.