Chapter 11-15
发布时间: 2009-08-12   浏览次数: 455


Chapter 11: The Impact of Information Technology on the Audit Process
After studying this chapter, you should be able to:
  1. Describe how IT improves internal control.
  2. Identify risks that arise from using an IT-based accounting system.
  3. Explain how specific types of general controls and application controls reduce risks associated with using IT-based accounting systems.
  4. Describe how the strength of general controls affects the auditor's testing of application controls.
  5. Use test data, parallel simulation, and embedded audit module approaches when auditing through the computer.
  6. Identify issues for environments involving microcomputers, networks, database management systems, and outsourced computer service centers.
Chapter 12: Overall Audit Plan and Audit Program
After studying this chapter, you should be able to:
  1. Use the five types of audit tests to determine whether financial statements are fairly stated.
  2. Select the appropriate types of audit tests.
  3. Understand the concept of evidence mix and how it should be varied in different circumstances.
  4. Design an audit program.
  5. Compare and contrast transaction-related audit objectives and balance-related audit objectives.
  6. Integrate the four phases of the audit process.
Chapter 13: Audit of the Sales and Collection Cycle: Tests of Controls and Substantive Tests of Transactions
After studying this chapter, you should be able to:
  1. Identify the accounts and the classes of transactions in the sales and collection cycle.
  2. Describe the business functions and the related documents and records in the sales and collection cycle.
  3. Understand internal control and design and perform tests of controls and substantive tests of transactions for sales.
  4. Apply the methodology for controls over sales transactions to controls over sales returns and allowances.
  5. Understand internal control and design and perform tests of controls and substantive tests of transactions for cash receipts.
  6. Apply the methodology for controls over the sales and collection cycle to write-offs of uncollectible accounts receivable.
  7. Develop an integrated audit plan for the sales and collection cycle.
Chapter 14: Audit Sampling for Tests of Controls and Substantive Tests of Transactions
After studying this chapter, you should be able to:
  1. Explain the concept of representative sampling.
  2. Distinguish between statistical and nonstatistical sampling and between probabilistic and nonprobabilistic sample selection.
  3. Select representative samples.
  4. Define and describe audit sampling for exception rates.
  5. Use nonstatistical sampling in tests of controls and substantive tests of transactions.
  6. Define and describe attributes sampling and a sampling distribution.
  7. Use attributes sampling in tests of controls and substantive tests of transactions.
  8. Apply sampling concepts and methodology to the audit plan for the sales and collection cycle.
Chapter 15: Completing the Tests in the Sales and Collection Cycle: Accounts Receivable
After studying this chapter, you should be able to:
  1. Describe the methodology for designing tests of details of balances using the audit risk model.
  2. Design and perform analytical procedures for accounts in the sales and collection cycle.
  3. Design and perform tests of details of balances for accounts receivable for each balance-related audit objective.
  4. Obtain and evaluate accounts receivable confirmations.
  5. Design audit procedures for the audit of accounts receivable, using an evidence planning worksheet as a guide.