1. Spatial-temporal modeling

2. Basics in Gaussian process

3. Covariance function and variogram

4. Kriging

Code: Introduction to “fields” package

Ozone data set, day 16

# Quilt plot
# plot 16 day of ozone data set
quilt.plot(ozone2$lon.lat, ozone2$y[16,])
US(add=TRUE, col="grey", lwd=2)

Compute variogram for the midwest ozone field

good<- !is.na(ozone2$y[16,])
x<- ozone2$lon.lat[good,] 
y<- ozone2$y[16,good]

## variogram plots
look<-vgram(x,y, N=15, lon.lat=TRUE)
plot(look, pch=19)

## or some boxplot bin summaries
brk<- seq(0, 250,, (25 + 1) ) # will give 25 bins.
boxplotVGram(look, breaks=brk, plot.args=list(type="o"))
plot(look, add=TRUE, breaks=brk, col=4)


# a 2-d example 
# fitting a surface to ozone  
# measurements. Exponential covariance, range parameter is 20 (in miles) 

fit <- Krig(ChicagoO3$x, ChicagoO3$y, theta=20)  

summary(fit) # summary of fit 
## CALL:
## Krig(x = ChicagoO3$x, Y = ChicagoO3$y, theta = 20)
##  Number of Observations:                20   
##  Number of unique points:               20   
##  Number of parameters in the null space 3    
##  Parameters for fixed spatial drift     3    
##  Effective degrees of freedom:          5.4  
##  Residual degrees of freedom:           14.6 
##  MLE sigma                              3.733
##  GCV sigma                              4.049
##  MLE rho                                4.796
##  Scale passed for covariance (rho)      <NA> 
##  Scale passed for nugget (sigma^2)      <NA> 
##  Smoothing parameter lambda             2.906
## Residual Summary:
##     min   1st Q  median   3rd Q     max 
## -6.4820 -1.6170 -0.5672  1.8010  7.4870 
## Covariance Model: stationary.cov
##   Covariance function is 
##   Names of non-default covariance arguments: 
##        theta
##  Method used:   REML    Cost:  1
##    lambda       trA       GCV   GCV.one GCV.model      shat 
##     2.906     5.394    22.452    22.452        NA     4.049 
##  Summary of all estimates found for lambda
##            lambda   trA   GCV  shat -lnLike Prof converge
## GCV         4.120 4.799 22.39 4.125        49.26        4
## GCV.model      NA    NA    NA    NA           NA       NA
## GCV.one     4.120 4.799 22.39 4.125           NA        4
## RMSE           NA    NA    NA    NA           NA       NA
## pure error     NA    NA    NA    NA           NA       NA
## REML        2.906 5.394 22.45 4.049        49.24        2
plot(fit) # four diagnostic plots of fit  

# predict at data
##           [,1]
##  [1,] 38.32080
##  [2,] 38.83593
##  [3,] 38.12672
##  [4,] 38.76760
##  [5,] 39.04168
##  [6,] 39.90186
##  [7,] 38.56459
##  [8,] 39.53299
##  [9,] 39.89821
## [10,] 39.65490
## [11,] 40.75214
## [12,] 40.19162
## [13,] 40.92551
## [14,] 40.57972
## [15,] 41.04454
## [16,] 40.43037
## [17,] 39.62459
## [18,] 39.41161
## [19,] 41.03544
## [20,] 40.96869
# predict on a grid (grid chosen here by defaults)
out<- predictSurface(fit)
surface(out, type="C") # option "C" our favorite

# predict at arbitrary points (10,-10) and (20, 15)
xnew<- rbind(c(10, -10), c(20, 15))
predict(fit, xnew)
##          [,1]
## [1,] 38.28184
## [2,] 40.13606
# standard errors of prediction based on covariance model.  
predictSE(fit, xnew)
## [1] 1.632105 3.054689
# surface of standard errors on a default grid
predictSurfaceSE(fit)-> out.p # this takes some time!
surface(out.p, type="C")

Kriging with Matern covariance function

## Using another stationary covariance. 
# smoothness is the shape parameter for the Matern
fit <- Krig(ChicagoO3$x, ChicagoO3$y, 
            Covariance="Matern", theta=10, smoothness=1.0)  
summary( fit)
## CALL:
## Krig(x = ChicagoO3$x, Y = ChicagoO3$y, Covariance = "Matern", 
##     theta = 10, smoothness = 1)
##  Number of Observations:                20   
##  Number of unique points:               20   
##  Number of parameters in the null space 3    
##  Parameters for fixed spatial drift     3    
##  Effective degrees of freedom:          4.8  
##  Residual degrees of freedom:           15.2 
##  MLE sigma                              3.807
##  GCV sigma                              4.129
##  MLE rho                                3.39 
##  Scale passed for covariance (rho)      <NA> 
##  Scale passed for nugget (sigma^2)      <NA> 
##  Smoothing parameter lambda             4.276
## Residual Summary:
##     min   1st Q  median   3rd Q     max 
## -6.7380 -1.7120 -0.5869  1.9360  7.7350 
## Covariance Model: stationary.cov
##   Covariance function is  Matern
##   Names of non-default covariance arguments: 
##        Covariance, theta, smoothness
##  Method used:   REML    Cost:  1
##    lambda       trA       GCV   GCV.one GCV.model      shat 
##     4.276     4.849    22.505    22.505        NA     4.129 
##  Summary of all estimates found for lambda
##            lambda   trA   GCV  shat -lnLike Prof converge
## GCV         5.868 4.423 22.45 4.182        49.27        4
## GCV.model      NA    NA    NA    NA           NA       NA
## GCV.one     5.868 4.423 22.45 4.182           NA        4
## RMSE           NA    NA    NA    NA           NA       NA
## pure error     NA    NA    NA    NA           NA       NA
## REML        4.276 4.849 22.50 4.129        49.26        1