Politics and Economy in the Asian-Pacific Region

1.The electronic copy of most assigned readings are available in the Fudan University eLearning System:



2.For further readings on the Asia-Pacific region, student may take advantage to the library resources at Fudan University.


Fudan University Library:



Library of Center for American Studies, Fudan University



3.For course registration, course schedule, grades, and other information related to teaching, please visit the ehall system of Fudan University:



4.For information about institutions at Fudan University related to the Asia-Pacific studies, please visit the following websites.


School of International Relations and Public Affairs, Fudan University

Chinese site: http://www.sirpa-en.fudan.edu.cn/main.htm

English site: http://www.sirpa-en.fudan.edu.cn/main.htm


     Center for Asia-Pacific Cooperation and Governance, Fudan University


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