

Course Description:

This class is organized to be a survey of the distinct disciplines of conceptualizing and intervening with issues of marriage and the family.One goal of the course will be to introduce the student to the history, leaders, theoretical models, vocabulary and basic techniques in the field of marital and family theory and therapy.As part of this course, students will also begin the process of developing their own systemic model of how people change.

Course Objectives:

Students in this course will be able to:

1.Develop an understanding of systemic epistemologies (a paradigm shift including constructivism and social constructionism)

2.Demonstrate knowledge of the concepts and terms of the discipline of MFT.

3.Demonstrate knowledge of the primary assumptions of the major theoretical models in MFT.Various models include:

  • Strategic Family Therapy (Haley)

  • Mental Research Institute (MRI) Models (Jackson, Weakland, Bateson, Fisch, Watzlawick etc.)

  • Milan Systemic Family Therapy (Palazzoli, Boscolo, Cecchin, Pratta)

  • Structural Family Therapy (Minuchin etc.)

  • Bowenian Family Therapy & Intergenerational Family Therapy (Bowen, Friedman)

  • Brief and Solution Focus Family Therapy Models (de Shazer & Berg;Walter & Peller;Weiner Davis;O’Hanlon etc.)

  • Narrative Therapy (White, Epston, Parry, Tomm)

  • Behavioral Approaches (Weiss, Patterson etc.)

  • Contextual Approaches (Boszormenyi-Nagy)

  • Experiential Approaches (Whitaker)

4.Begin the process of defining your own epistemological position regarding:

  • your beliefs about the nature of human beings and human behavior

  • your beliefs about the nature of change and how to bring it about

复旦大学 家庭心理学/Psychology of Families版权所有