Course Description

This course provides students with a comprehensive introduction to contemporary China’s diplomacy and its foreign policy, as well as its theoretical, historical background. This course will also investigate the decision-making system of Chinese foreign policy, China’s bilateral relations with major powers, China’s multilateral relations with its neighboring countries, developing countries and international organizations. Emphasis will be placed on the period since 1978 when China initiated its reform and open-up era.

Readings will be drawn from political science, history, and international relations theories written by both Chinese and Western scholars.

Course Objectives

Upon completion of the course, students should be able to:

  1. Get a whole picture of the evolution of Chinese diplomacy;

  2. Possess a more comprehensive understanding of the motivation of China’s diplomatic  behavior and the mechanism of China’s foreign policy decision-making

  3. Develop a familiarity with the major issues and events involving China’s foreign policy;

  4. Demonstrate the ability to analyze the implication of China’s peaceful rise for the world;

  5. Develop some practical skills: critical analysis; oral presentation and primary source research.

Organization of the course

The course will be composed with lectures, class discussions, and writing assignments.

It will have two and a half hour per week on Friday. (13:30-16:10 pm)


Before starting a new topic, the instructor will provide a detailed reading list. They are mainly selected from the following textbooks and occasionally other books or journals.

The background textbook is available at FDU bookstore and other copies of the required readings and recommended readings are available in the libraries of SIRPA and Centre for American Studies.

Electronic readings will be sent by email.

当代中国外交/Contemporary Chinese Diplomacy版权所有