发布时间:2015-11-19                                   浏览次数:23



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Mark the following statements with true(T) or false(F)

1. The majority  number of words in modern standard Chinese are disyllabic. (        )

2. There are a lot of productive affixes in Chinese. (       )

3. The third tone sandhi and tone sandhi for number one “yi1”(一)and negation marker “bu4”(不)are compulsive in modern standard Chinese. (       )

4. Roticization of syllable finals(Erhua儿化) is a phonological process of adding the rotic -r the end of a syllable final in pronunciation. (       )

5. The formation structure of compounds is roughly parallel to the structure of sentences in Chinese. (       )

6. Traditionally, full words include most concrete words and some particles or function words. (        )

7. Measure or classifier only appears in Chinese language. (        )

8. Chinese does not have articles to express definite or indefinite references. (        )

9. Historically, adjectives and prepositions developed from verbs in Chinese. (         )

10. There is a plural marker in standard Chinese used for personal pronouns and ordinary nouns to express concepts such as English “we, they, boxes, tables”.   (          )

N.B.: Each assignment is supposed to be handed in next time in class, delay (only 1 time allowed) influences assignment grading (2 points).

中国语言与文化导论/Introduction to ChineseLanguage and Culture版权所有