发布时间:2015-11-19                                   浏览次数:29



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Filling the blanks:

1. Graph, pronunciation and ____________  are the 3 elements of a character.

2. There are around over 50 thousand characters in some dictionaries, but in average modern Chinese writings, there are only roughly   ___________   active characters in use.

3.  Early Chinese characters are pictographic, but over 90% Chinese characters as we see today follow the principle of ________________ in formation.

4.  Chinese Characters may have different _____________ in different dialects.

5. One is supposed to follow the order of ________ to  _______  and/or  ______   to  ______   when writing a certain character with two or more than two parts.

6. Give the names of at least 3 character styles: _______________ , _____________ and _________.

7. In the earliest Character dictionary Shuowenjiezi compiled by Xu Shen in Eastern Han dynasty, Characters are grouped into 540 different ___________, this kind of classification is still a convention in modern time.

8. List at least 3 major principles used in the simplification of Characters in the 50s:




N.B.: Each assignment is supposed to be handed in next time in class, delay (only 1 time allowed) influences assignment grading (2 points)

中国语言与文化导论/Introduction to ChineseLanguage and Culture版权所有