Professor, School of Economics,  Fudan University

Prof. Dr. DU Li, PHD in Economics, is currently the Executive Director of the Research Center for Public Economy, Fudan University. She has served as a short-term consultant to the World Bank, a postdoctoral research fellow with IBFD (International Bureau of Fiscal Documentation), and was previously a visiting scholar to the Department of Economics and Statistics at the University of Konstanz, Germany. Her recent academic research focuses on China’s special taxation zones, the redistributive effects of taxation, the financial sector taxation and tax revenue forecasting. She has published dozens of papers and books on taxation including China Tax Guide (in Chinese and English version) and has been teaching bachelor and master level courses on public finance, China’s taxation system and international taxation for about 20 years.
She is also the academic chief of the Master of Taxation program at Fudan University and a member of China Tax Education Research Association.  

杜莉教授,经济学博士,复旦大学公共经济研究中心执行主任、世界银行咨询专家,曾赴德国康斯坦茨大学经济与统计学系访问进修一年并到国际财税文献局(IBFD)做博士后研究。她近期的主要研究领域有自贸区税收、税收与收入分配、金融税制、税收预测等,已公开出版《中国税收指南》(英文部分作者)等著作10余部,在国内权威及核心期刊发表学术论文30余篇,作为负责人承担国家社科基金一般项目等多项课题,教授财政学、国际税收等本科生课程,China's taxation system and fiscal policy、国际税收专题、税收学专题等研究生课程,先后两次获得上海市教学成果奖。







复旦大学 中国税收制度与财政政策/China’s Taxation System and Fiscal Policy版权所有